We currently serve patients exclusively via telehealth.

Every problem has a solution.

By learning and applying specific skills, you'll be able to handle anything life throws your way.
Skills and evidence-based Treatment

Our Approach

By using evidence-based skills like DBT, patients can better manage their thoughts and emotions, enhance their awareness, and improve their relationships — with others and themselves.

Understand the problems and what they look like.

Learn skills to manage your behavior.

Discover ways to live a healthier, happier life.

Identifying the problem makes it easier to solve.

Problems to solve
What The Problem Looks Like
Anger Management
Saying and doing things you don’t mean or things you eventually regret
Anxiety (General)
Excessive time spent worrying; you can’t stop thinking about the same common themes
Anxiety (Social)
Concerns with feeling embarrassed in front of others; you spend time guessing what other people think and assume that people think negatively about you without evidence
Anxiety (Panic)
Intense physical sensations including difficulty breathing
Not communicating your feelings and beliefs in a non-offensive way
Avoidance Behaviors
Avoid doing things that you need to do; procrastinating
Decision Making
Uncertain about making various degrees of choices in life
Feeling down; functioning day-to-day for a period of time is challenging
Distress Tolerance
Emotional outbursts with a strong sudden onset followed by regretting your actions later on
Emotional Self-Awareness
A need to understand your emotions
Emotion Dysregulation
Feeling chaotic or disorganized with your emotions; lots of different emotions at the same time
General Life Dissatisfaction
Feelings of blah; a need to pursue meaning and purpose or self improvement
Being unable to resist or delay your reactions, behaviors, and emotions
Interpersonal Difficulty
Not getting along with others like co-workers, family, or romantic partners; want or need mutually satisfying relationships
Parenting Issues
Need coaching on how to manage your child’s behaviors and emotions
PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
An event that resulted in a variety of emotional and behavioral symptoms
Sadness and Grief
Feelings of loss; losing a loved one; feelings of "the blues"
Stress Tolerance
Trying to cope with too many demands at the same time
Unhelpful Thoughts
Thought patterns that influence negative emotions; unhelpful  thoughts that are hard to let go; thoughts that can make things  worse
General Need for Skills
Various degrees of all the above

Skills to Solve Problems

What The solution Looks Like
Old school positive and negative reinforcement
Behavioral Activation
Ways to manage your depression; change your thoughts to change your behavior
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Ways to change your thoughts and emotions that influence your behaviors or vice versa
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy specifically for PTSD
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Specific skills to manage emotions; distress tolerance; mindfulness; working on your relationships with others and your relationship with yourself
Ways to express your understanding of another’s experience
Ways to manage your fears
Adapting your thoughts and emotions to your environment
Gottman Method Skills
Skills to improve your relationship with others, particularly your romantic relationships
Strengthening that muscle in your brain that improves your awareness, attention and attitude
Building ways to recognize small wins
Self Awareness
Understanding your emotions
Self Confidence
Understanding yourself and other issues regarding the self

Feel free to be.

It's easier to get started than you think. Let's talk today.

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